About Us

We’re creating a culture for children to boldly be their true authentic self and chase their dreams. 


Our Mission

Early Affirmations is a company that creates dolls to inspire and spark the minds of our young future leaders.

Many children struggle with self-confidence and look outward for validation to affirm their place in the world. We would like to cultivate a culture where children focus on liking themselves vs. liking content on social media or uplifting others instead of bullying others. We created Early Affirmation Dolls to help children find their voice and let their light shine.

Kyya is the first doll we created. She says affirmations that make her feel good and motivates her to be the best version of herself. Our goal is to instill self-love and trigger our youth to fearlessly chase their dreams.

Rickey & Kia and their Story

Many parents believe their children can be “whatever they want to be”. We share that belief as well. But we also know sometimes kids lack confidence for many reasons (failure, bullying, body-shaming, etc.). So we were motivated to say positive affirmations with our daughter at a young age. We wanted to instill them as her core beliefs as a person, and motivate her to believe she can accomplish anything she set her mind to doing.

Our daughter loves playing with dolls. While watching her play with many different types of dolls, we noticed a lack of dolls that teach self-worth and self-love to young children. So we pounced and created a product to influence the next generation of amazing and talented leaders.